14 September 2010

Tuesday Roundup

It's been a busy month and the  following segments have fed me and kept the excitement of discovery and love around.  Here's a roundup of the week's fun finds.

Aarti Paarti - I discovered Aarti's blog when I was on my guilty pleasure site, the Pioneer Women.  They presented at a food festival together.  I went on Aarti's blog, and I was immediately smitten with her joie de vivre and felt that I could relate to her in many ways such as how she left a succesful job to move to L.A. to be with her actor husband college sweetheart, creating recipes to make an unemployment check stretch, the pursuit of dreams, and her love for good friends and bike riding down to the beach.  Aarti pursued her dreams and her heart on the Next Food Network Star reality show and won!  Her blog writing and personality has such a warm, authentic, and effervescent spirit.  I can see why she would make a fantastic food star.  I've only seen clips of her food show but it looks like so much fun.

Jonathan Franzen - Granted, I had never heard his name until I saw his face on the cover of Time Magazine recently.  But that article and this Fresh Air interview made me appreciate what he had to say about the writing life.  I found his words both literary and personal to ring true and deep.

A couple more Fresh Air book finds:

The 10th Parallel by Eliza Griswold--what a beautiful, poetic, and well traveled book by journalist and poet Eliza Griswold.  The Tenth Parallel is a result of Eliza's 7 years of travel along the 10th parallel, investigating religious conflict between Muslims and Christians and the role of the West in it.

The Warmth of Other Suns--Listen to this segment on the Great Migration of African-Americans in the South to the Northeast, West, and Midwest.  It took the author 15 years and over 1000 interviews to write the book!  Inspiring.

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