06 October 2010

Blogging & Life

Do you know Angie?  If not, I hope you do one day.  She's lovely.  Absolutely lovely.  She can make me laugh like no tomorrow.  And then the next minute, we're sobbing together over the most beautiful things.  I do not exaggerate.  She's a fiery Dominican Republican New Jersey hot mama that showed up to my wedding in a bright red cocktail dress that made her look like the hottest shade of lipstick.  Angie recently became a mama to beautiful Olivia whom I have yet to meet and started blogging over here.  Olivia's daddy is Taiwanese and that combination together is so adorable I just cannot keep my jaw up when I see pictures of her.  Angie's birth story is also absolutely amazing.  Read it.  Your eyes will pop in a good way.  Sigh.  I'm getting Olivia pangs.

Where was I?  Oh yes.  So Angie commented on this post and got me thinking about living and blogging and what it's all about.

She said:

"i don't get to read blogs often anymore but reading yours always makes me want to LIVE in capital letters. Love."
It was such a sweet comment and reminded me of why I blog about the things that I do.  When it comes to bloggers that I read, I adore my favorite food bloggers and my artist/design bloggers.  I also like to read my friends' blogs and that's kind of what I've come to accept about my own.  It's a friend blog.  Most of my readers are friends and people that I know and although at one point, I entertained aspirations of specializing in something niche like food or design, I just stopped.  You know why?  Blogging needs to be fun, not work (at least for me) and the only things I wanted to talk about on a regular basis were about living life.  Especially the things that made life more enjoyable and bearable.

You see, I have a melancholy soul.  I have a happy and joyous soul too but it's prone to melancholy.  It's also gone through some horribly traumatic stuff in the last six years, and I've been in the process of recovering it.  This blog has been a place to record my journey, to provide a concrete visible presence in my life so that I don't forget that I'm moving forward rather than just wallowing in a confusing cloud of who knows what.

I blog about the things that give me life because I'm trying to remind myself that life is worth living.  Yes, I do have to try hard at that, some days more than others.  And when I read other people's blogs, I'm reminded of how much fun things there are to try out there and take risks on.  It's a place to go out on a limb a little, to put myself out there and says, ok, here it is, this is a desire!

And lastly, it means so much that in this journey, I'm not alone.  Your comments remind me of that.  And I am so grateful for that.  Thank you for reading.  Thank you for being there.

 xoxo, Hanna


  1. OMG TREMENDOUS SHOUT-OUT!!! HAHAHAHAH I showed up like a shade of lipstick. That's probably the best compliment I've ever gotten. LOVE your face and miss you guys all the way from here.
