11 December 2009

Crazy French Lady

I've started an unofficial habit of watching French movies late at night on Netflix to immerse myself in the French language.  It's one of my goals to be fluent in French and moreso in Korean.  And apart from doing workbooks and taking the occasional glorious trip to Paris, it seems like the next best thing to improving my language skills is watching movies.

Last night I watched La Vie en Rose and immersed myself in crazy dramatic French prose via Edith Piaf's character.  As I drove to a coffee shop today, I started showing off the French I absorbed to J. the passenger---


Edit Piaf did a lot of that in the movie.  I tried to channel her garrulous hunchbacked voice and googly eyes.  J. pressed his body into his car door and looked at me in alarm.  "Hanna, I have to say--you're really convincing as a crazy French lady."  Aw, thanks J.  You're amazing too.

1 comment:

  1. what a great unofficial habit.. i notice that i always say little french phrases here and there because i love it. and its hot. and i wish i didn't wash all those years of french down the drain. maybe i should start watching some movies?
